Copyright agreement | Journal of Engineering Sciences

Copyright agreement

The copyright agreement should be obligatory filed together with the manuscript of the article.

With this document authors approve authenticity of the filed material and the fact that this material was never published or filed to any other journals for publication before.

With the copyright agreement the editorial board of the “Journal of Engineering Sciences” allow the authors to hold the copyright and retain publishing rights without restrictions:

  • To publish the article in Ukrainian (Russian, English) and distribute its printed version;
  • To translate the article in English (for articles in Russian and Ukrainian) and distribute the printed version of the translation;
  • To distribute electronic version of the article and electronic version of English translation (for articles in Russian and Ukrainian) through any electronic means (to post it on the official web – site of the journal, on electronic data bases, repositories, etc.).

At that the editorial stuff of the journal leaves authors the right to distribute prints of the article and its electronic version (including the final variant downloaded from this site) through the following electronic means :

  • Personal web – sites, web – pages, blogs, etc. of all the authors of the article;
  • web – sites and institutional repositories of the organization where the authors work;
  • any non – commercial free – access web – resources (for example, ).

In any case the bibliographical reference to the article or a hyperlink to its electronic copy is obligatory.

Authors can also use materials of the article to:

  • prepare their own theses;
  • prepare reports and brief reports for scientific conferences;
  • prepare their own text – books, other educational materials, lectures and any other pursuits. 


© 2014-2024 Sumy State University
"Journal of Engineering Sciences"
ISSN 2312-2498 (Print), ISSN 2414-9381 (Online).
All rights are reserved by SumDU