Reminder for the reviewer | Journal of Engineering Sciences

Reminder for the reviewer


  The review should contain : an in – depth and objective estimation of the content and structure of the article, an analysis of the article’s advantages and disadvantages (brief report, some experience, thematic search, lecture), estimation of the scientific level of material presentation. In the ending of the review one should justify the conclusions as to the expediency of the article’s publication in the journal “Journal of Engineering Sciences”.

In case of a negative estimation of the reviewer, the latter should give enough proof of his conclusions and state them clearly in the ending of the review.

The review should be appropriately formatted and state the working place of the reviewer, his position, scientific title and degree.

General requirements: Observance of requirements to article formatting accepted in the journal “Journal of Engineering Sciences”. (Requirements to the article formatting are sent to the reviewer in electronic form or can be downloaded here).

Requirements to the content:

  • Self – sufficiency. The article should contain main information as to the topic.
  • Demonstrativeness. The text can be provided with illustrations which would make apprehension of the text easier but would not copy it.

Requirements to information quality

  • Correspondence to the latest scientific and practical achievements.
  • Precision, faithfulness and justification of information provided.
  • Application of evidentiary basis principles in terms of experiments (modeling), valid mathematical tools, proof of the statistical value of experiment outcomes, theoretical basis of various engineering branches.
  • Use of valid ordinances, classifiers and legislative acts, international SI- system, etc.
  • Correspondence of applied apparatus of terms to regulatory requirements and generally accepted use regulations.

Requirements to the tone of voice 

  • Rubricating.  The text structure is set beforehand – from the title of the article through rubrics and sub rubrics to a separate sentence. Such a text is easy to use and find necessary information in.
  • Consistency, order and simplicity of narration without any needles details.
  • Preciseness of definitions, understandability for the readers of corresponding courses.
  • Uniqueness of the term use, consequent definition of similar objects and phenomena with the same term.
  •  Observance of the norms of modern Russian (Ukrainian, English).
  • Exclude: excess of parenthetical words, explanations unrelated to the content of the article, excess of abbreviations.
  • Highlighting the main points of the text in bold type or Italic.

Note: Debating articles, except for those of antisocial nature, are accepted for publication after reviewing and provided with the special opinion of the editorial stuff. Short reports and experiences are evaluated according to the rubrics “Requirements to information quality”.

© 2014-2024 Sumy State University
"Journal of Engineering Sciences"
ISSN 2312-2498 (Print), ISSN 2414-9381 (Online).
All rights are reserved by SumDU