Analysis of the application of the galvanic circuits in schemes of the catodic protection for underground papelines | Journal of Engineering Sciences

Analysis of the application of the galvanic circuits in schemes of the catodic protection for underground papelines

Author(s): Azyukovsky A. A., Didevich E. A.

Affilation(s): State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, 19 Dmytra Yavornytskoho Av., 49600, Dnipro, Ukraine

*Corresponding Author’s Address: [email protected]

Issue: Volume 5; Issue 1 (2018)

Paper received: October 26, 2017
The final version of the paper received: January 4, 2018
Paper accepted online: February 24, 2018

Azyukovsky A. A. Analysis of the application of the galvanic circuits in schemes of the catodic protection for underground papelines / A. A. Azyukovsky, E. A. Didevich // Journal of Engineering Sciences. – Sumy : Sumy State University, 2018. – Volume 5, Issue 1. – P. F1-F4.

DOI: 10.21272/jes.2018.5(1).f1

Research Area: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING: Processes in Machines and Devices

Abstract. The possibility of using anode earthing in an assembly with a container is considered. Ensuring the integrity of the pipeline is a topical issue in connection with the environmental and economic consequences. The process of pipeline protection is accompanied by the removal of metal particles, at the electronic level. When creating a potential difference, the current will shift from the anode to the cathode. In the process of this shift electrons from the anode earthing switch are moved to the pipeline under the influence of an electromagnetic field. It thereby destroying the anode and expanding the metal elements under protection. Description of galvanic capacitive solution for cathodic protection stations is executed. To exclude the effect of the electrochemical protection on the cathode and, thus, improve the protection of the pipeline.

Keywords: efficiency, sustained success, activity, functioning, automation.


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