Model of the management program for a means complex of the design works automation as a finite-state automaton | Journal of Engineering Sciences

Model of the management program for a means complex of the design works automation as a finite-state automaton

Author(s): Zakharchenko V. P.1*, Marchenko А. V.1, Nenia V. H.1

Affilation(s): 1Sumy State University, 2 Rymskogo-Korsakova St., 40007, Sumy, Ukraine

*Corresponding Author’s Address: [email protected]

Issue: Volume 4; Issue 2 (2017)

Paper received: November 11, 2017
The final version of the paper received: November 28, 2017
Paper accepted online: December 1, 2017

Zakharchenko V. P. Model of the management program for a means complex of the design works automation as a finite-state automaton / V. P. Zakharchenko, A. V. Marchenko, V. H. Nenia // Journal of Engineering Sciences. —  Sumy : Sumy State University, 2017. — Volume 4, Issue 2. — P. H1-H8.

DOI: 10.21272/jes.2017.4(2).h1

Research Area: Computational Engineering

Abstract: For software development it is necessary to have its mathematical model. It is established that for a means complex of the design works automation a model of a finite automaton is the best choice. The automatic machine has been chosen with a single feedback state, which asynchronously initiates the execution of design procedures, on which there are Terms of References. For this an additional requested automaton is used. This automaton implements the selection of design work according to a status of the initiated design procedure. Commands of designers also are processed by a separate automaton. Situations arising in the automated design process and are associated with designers’ commands, are divided into five groups.

Keywords: program model, finite-state automaton, automation means, design works.


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