Hybrid Management Methodology for Transport Projects Related to Rolling Stock | Journal of Engineering Sciences

Hybrid Management Methodology for Transport Projects Related to Rolling Stock

Author(s): Lasinska N.

Affiliation(s): Lukasiewicz Research Network – Rail Vehicles Institute “TABOR”, 181, Warszawska St., 161-055 Poznan, Poland

*Corresponding Author’s Address: [email protected]

Issue: Volume 8, Issue 2 (2021)

Submitted: August 25, 2021
Accepted for publication: November 17, 2021
Available online: November 22, 2021

Lasinska N. (2021). Hybrid management methodology for transport projects related to rolling stock. Journal of Engineering Sciences, Vol. 8(2), pp. B7-B11, doi: 10.21272/jes.2021.8(2).b2

DOI: 10.21272/jes.2021.8(2).b2

Research Area:  MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING: Technical Regulations and Metrological Support

Abstract. Dynamic economic development and the fast implementation pace of innovative, economical solutions force companies to continue finding methods of increasing the efficiency of their operations. One of the ways to increase the effectiveness of activities is to use a project approach that allows achieving all the set goals efficiently. The project approach is gaining popularity due to its high efficiency. Also, it is treated as a separate trend called as “projectification” and “project orientation”. The article defines what a project and project management methodology are. The specificity of railway transport projects concerning rolling stock was characterized. The elements of traditional and agile project management methodologies were described, indicating their differences. Project areas were selected in which the implementation of the elements of agile project management methodologies is the easiest and fastest to carry out.

Keywords: traditional project management, agile project management, methodology, methodology elements.


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