Volume 4(1), 2017


Manufacturing Engineering, Machines and Tools A
V. O. Ivanov, I. V. Pavlenko  
Comprehensive analysis of the mechanical system “fixture – workpiece” A 1- A 10
A. V. Krivosheya, V. V. Voznyy, V. E. Melnyk  
Analysis of the gear tooth gearing by the module
m = 2.625 mm of hydraulic pumps
A 11-A 15
Investigation of Working Processes in Machines and Devices B
Yu. M. Vertepov  
Investigation of fluid flow in the space of a liquid-ring vehicle B 1-B 5
V. A. Lebedev, S. V. Novikov, S. A. Loy  
Analytical determination of the frequency of short circuits
of the arc at surfacing in gas dioxide with welding pool
mechanical oscillations
B 6-B 10
S. V. Pilipenko, V. U. Grigorenko  
Analysis and development of the method for calculating
calibration of the working plank in the cold tube roller rolling mills
B 11-B 16
Dynamics and Strength. Hermomechanics C
I. V. Pavlenko, V. I. Simonovsky, J. Pitel’,
A. E. Verbovoy, M. N. Demianenko
Investigation of critical frequencies of the centrifugal compressor
rotor with taking into account stiffness of bearings and seals
C 1-C 6
O. O. Pozovnyi, V. A. Martsynkovskyy  
The impact of multi-gap seals on rotor dynamics C 7-C 12
Modern Energy Efficient Technologies E
P. O. Yushkevich, L. S. Molchanov  
Report on laboratory research of power-efficient
triple-nozzle tuyere oxygen lancing
E 1-E 7
Issues of Materials F
V. I. Sytar, K. M. Sukhyy, O. S. Kabat, I. I. Nachovnyi  
Polymeric compositional materials based on polycarbonate
for units of devices for transform solar into thermal energy
F 1-F 7
S. A. Klimenko, S. An. Klimenko, A. S. Manokhin,
Yu. A. Mel’nichuk, M. Yu. Kopіeikina, A. O. Chumak
Сontact stresses on the rake face of cutting tools
with PCBN in turning of hardened steel
F 8-F 14
Computer Engineering H
M. V. Bibyk, A. S. Dovbysh  
Optimization of controlled damages on
the recognition in the master education
H 1-H 6
A. I. Korobko  
Methodology for developing new test methods  H 7-H 13
M. M. Bykov, V. V. Kovtun, O. O. Maksimov  
Speech activity detection for the automated
speaker recognition system of critical use
H 14-H 20
V. M. Nedilko, V. M. Stratonov  
Analysis of the problem of forced landing of aircraft
on water surface and methods of simulation of aircraft
crews at aircraft accidents of this type
H 21-H 25

Recommended for publication by the Academic Council of Sumy State University (Minutes No. 11 of 15.06.2017).
Print date: June 30, 2017.