Volume 5(1), 2018


Machines and Tools  A
Lishchenko N. V., Larshin V. P.
Profile Gear Grinding Temperature Reduction and Equalization A 1-A 7
doi: 10.21272/jes.2018.5(1).a1
Pilipenko S. V., Drozhzha P. V., Limonchenko E. A.
Influence of the Wall Thickness Value on the Cross Wall
Thickness Deviation of Tubes Rolled on the Tube Rolling
Plant with the Continuous Mill
A 8-A 11
doi: 10.21272/jes.2018.5(1).a2
Sokhan’ S. V., Maystrenko A. L., Kulich V. H., Sorochenko V. H.,
Voznyy V. V., Gamaniuk M. P., Zubaniev Ye. M.
Diamond Grinding the Ceramic Balls from Silicon Carbide A 12-A 20
doi: 10.21272/jes.2018.5(1).a3
Technical Regulations and Metrological Support  B
Kovalev A. I.
How to Assess the Performance Quality of an Enrerprise B 1-B 6
doi: 10.21272/jes.2018.5(1).b1
Materials Science C
Bilous O. A., Hovorun T. P., Berladir K. V.,
Vorobiov S. I., Simkulet V. V.
Mathematical Modeling of the Mechanical Characteristic
of the Activated PTFE-Matrix Using the Method
of Planning the Experiment
C 1-C 5
doi: 10.21272/jes.2018.5(1).c1
Rud V., Saviuk I., Samchuk L., Povstiana Yu.
Research of Mechanical Properties of Thermite Material
on the Basis of Steel Dross
С 6-С 10
doi: 10.21272/jes.2018.5(1).c2
Demchenko M. V., Gaponova O. P., Myslyvchenko O. M.,
Antoszewski B., Bychenko M. M.
Microstructure and Properties of AlCrFeCoNiCux
High-Entropy Alloys
C 11-C 15
doi: 10.21272/jes.2018.5(1).c3
Plyatsuk L. D., Tarelnyk V. B., Kundera Cz.,
Radionov O. V., Gaponova O. P.
Ecologically Safe Process for Sulfo-Aluminizing of Steel Parts C 16-C 20
doi: 10.21272/jes.2018.5(1).c4
Dynamics and Strength of Machines  D
Nemchynov S. I., Nachovnyi I. I.
Stress-Strain State of the Lower Traverse of the Hydraulic Press D 1-D 5
doi: 10.21272/jes.2018.5(1).d1
Pavlenko I. V., Simonovskiy V. I., Pitel’ J.,
Demianenko M. M., Verbovyi A. Ye.
Investigation of Non-linear Reactions in Rotors’ Bearing Supports
of Turbo-pump Units for Liquid Rocket Engines
D 6-D 14
doi: 10.21272/jes.2018.5(1).d2
Mama B. O., Ike C. C.
Galerkin–Vlasov Method for Deflection Analysis 
of Isotropic Sandwich Plates under Uniform Load
D 15-D 19
doi: 10.21272/jes.2018.5(1).d3
Computational Mechanics  E
Pillalamarri L.
UWB Microstrip Line Feeding Planar Modified
Circular Antenna
E 1-E 4
doi: 10.21272/jes.2018.5(1).e1
Bondar A. V., Vaneev S. M.
Research of Working Process of Vortex
Expansion Machine with Side Channel
E 5-E 9
doi: 10.21272/jes.2018.5(1).e2
Djondine P.
Overview of Control Techniques for Multicellular Converter E 10-E 14
doi: 10.21272/jes.2018.5(1).e3
Processes in Machines and Devices F
Azyukovsky A. A., Didevich E. A.
Analysis of the Application of the Galvanic Circuits in Schemes
of the Catodic Protection for Underground Papelines
F 1-F 4
doi: 10.21272/jes.2018.5(1).f1
Varukha D. A., Smirnov V. А., Edl M., Demianenko M. M.,
Yukhymenko M. P., Pavlenko I. V., Liaposhchenko O. O.
Modelling of Separation and Air Classification Processes
of Aerodisperse Systems in the Shelving Device
doi: 10.21272/jes.2018.5(1).f2 F 5-F 9
Environmental Protection  H
Kofanova O.
Climate Change Modeling in the Context of Urban
Decarbonization Strategy
H 1-H 6
doi: 10.21272/jes.2018.5(1).h1
Plyatsuk L. D., Chernysh Y. Y., Ablieieva I. Y.,
Kozii I. S., Matiash Y. O.
Sulfur Utilization in the Systems of Biological
Wastwater Denitrification
H 7-H 15
doi: 10.21272/jes.2018.5(1).h2
Sigal O., Boulanger Q., Vorobiov L., Pavliuk N., Serhiienko R.
Research of Energy Characteristics of Municipal Solid Waste
in Cherkassy
H 16-H 22
doi: 10.21272/jes.2018.5(1).h3
Samaulah H., Basir Y., Helmi M., Faturrizky F., Sugawara A.
Efficiency Analysis of Tracking and Stationary Solar Panel
Modes Against Solar Radiation
H 23-H 28
doi: 10.21272/jes.2018.5(1).h4

Recommended for publication by the Academic Council of Sumy State University (Minutes No. 8 of 21.06.2018).
Print date: June 25, 2018.