Yu. V. Baydak. Refrigeration machine with hermetic compressor thermodynamic cycle research | Journal of Engineering Sciences

Yu. V. Baydak. Refrigeration machine with hermetic compressor thermodynamic cycle research

  • The article analyses the peculiarities of thermodynamic work cycle of the refrigerating machine with hermetic compressor. The calculations of heat leakage from the environment to the compression refrigeration device current volume have been highlighted. Theoretical clarification of magnitudes of refrigerant vapor overheating after its suction into hermetic compressor from direct contact with the surfaces of the electric motor was conducted. The following magnitudes were 10 times higher than the values initiated on the stage of compression refrigeration device design. The refrigerant vapors enter the compressor cylinder with a much lower density, resulting in significantly greater reduction in compressor refrigerating performance, reducing its efficiency not up to 5 % but to 22 % at electric motor compressor drive heating to operating temperature 95 ° C and, as a consequence, leads to heat exchange condenser overloading on heat and to refrigerant mass consumption reduction during the refrigerating machine operating cycle, i.e. to 32 % refrigerating performance loss.

  • compression refrigerating equipment, thermodynamic cycle, hermetic compressor, electric motor, refrigerant, refrigerating performance.
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