Improvement of the Physical and Mechanical Properties of the Cutting Tool by Applying Wear-resistant Coatings Based on Ti, Al, Si, and N | Journal of Engineering Sciences

Improvement of the Physical and Mechanical Properties of the Cutting Tool by Applying Wear-resistant Coatings Based on Ti, Al, Si, and N

Author(s): Hovorun T.1*, Khaniukov K.1, Varakin V.1, Pererva V.1, Vorobiov S.2, Burlaka А.1, Khvostenko R.1

1 Sumy State University, 2, Rymskogo-Korsakova St., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine;
2 Institute of Physics, P. J. Šafárik University in Košice, 2, Šrobárova St., 041 54 Košice, Slovakia.

*Corresponding Author’s Address: [email protected]

Issue: Volume 8, Issue 2 (2021)

Submitted: August 25, 2021
Accepted for publication: December 7, 2021
Available online: December 11, 2021

Hovorun T., Khaniukov K., Varakin V., Pererva V., Vorobiov S., Burlaka А., Khvostenko R. (2021). Improvement of the physical and mechanical properties of the cutting tool by applying wear-resistant coatings based on Ti, Al, Si, and N. Journal of Engineering Sciences, Vol. 8(2), pp. C13-C23, doi: 10.21272/jes.2021.8(2).c3

DOI: 10.21272/jes.2021.8(2).c3

Research Area:  MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING: Materials Science

Abstract. From the great variety of methods to improve the efficiency of cutting tools, it is necessary to highlight the methods of applying wear-resistant coatings, which in recent years are increasingly used. Applying wear-resistant coatings on the cutting tool can significantly increase its efficiency and intensify machining modes. Mechanisms of strengthening the wear-resistant coating for materials have been analyzed under the impact of technological parameters of coating condensation process on its structure parameters and mechanical properties, formation of single and multi-element coatings based on titanium nitrides, aluminum, and silicon, the transformation of coating properties by obtaining complex coatings, and principles formation of complex coatings designed for different cutting tools. The influence of the coating on the mechanical properties of high-speed steel is shown. In the magnetron sputtering coatings on P6M5 steel samples, the microhardness of the coatings is TiN – 20–24 GPa, AlN – up to 16 GPa, TiAlN – up to 35 GPa, AlTiN – up to 32 GPa, TiAlSiN – 32–37 GPa, including while the microhardness of the substrate of steel P6M5 – 6–9 GPa. The microhardness of TiAlN and TiAlSiN coatings applied on an instrumental basis is 1,5 – 1,9 times higher than the microhardness of TiN, AlN coatings. It was found that the wear intensity of P6M5 steel without coating is 6 times higher than with AlTiN, TiAlN, and TiAlSiN coating, 3 times higher than with TiN and AlN coating. The coated tool is characterized by increased reliability and higher stability and allows the processing process with higher cutting modes.

Keywords: coating, cutting tool, structure, properties, wear resistance.


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