Modeling of waterborne pollution of roadside soils

Author(s): Plyatsuk L. D.1, Vaskina I. V.1, Kozii I. S.1, Solianyk V. A.1, Vaskin R. A.1, Yakhnenko O. M.1

Affilation(s): 1Sumy State University, 2 Rymskogo-Korsakova St., 40007, Sumy, Ukraine

*Corresponding Author’s Address: [email protected]

Issue: Volume 4; Issue 2 (2017)

Paper received: October 26, 2017
The final version of the paper received: November 25, 2017
Paper accepted online: December 2, 2017

Plyatsuk L. D. Modeling of waterborne pollution of roadside soils / L. D. Plyatsuk, I. V. Vaskina, I. S. Kozii, V. A. Solianyk, R. A. Vaskin, O. M. Yakhnenko // Journal of Engineering Sciences. —  Sumy : Sumy State University, 2017. — Volume 4, Issue 2. — P. G1-G5.

DOI: 10.21272/jes.2017.4(2).g1

Research Area: Environmental Engineering

Abstract: Motor transport and road maintenance are the determining factors of environmental pollution in the roadside zone. The main acceptor of pollution in this case is the soil. In connection with the complexity of the application of instrumental control methods, it is perspective to carry out the monitoring of roadside territories on the basis of mathematical modeling. The objective of the study is to develop a model of vehicle emissions impact on roadside soils with washout from the road bed. As a physical model we will consider roadside underlying surface covered with a layer of raindrops. According to the physical model, pollutants are absorbed by rain drops when falling on the underlying surface. Movement of pollutants down the whole depth of soil profile is carried out under the action of filtering the contaminated liquid in the granular material of soil. Analytical dependencies have been obtained allowing to predict the roadside ecosystem pollution from exhaust emissions. Soil contamination with liquid effluents resulting from the dissolution of sulfur dioxide in atmospheric precipitation has been calculated. 

Keywords: motor transport, exposure, pollutants, migration, soil profile, concentration, filtration, diffusion, sulfur dioxide.


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